Service Connected Compensation
Disability Compensation is a monetary benefit paid to veterans who are disabled by an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated during active military service. These disabilities are considered to be service-connected.
Disability compensation varies with the degree of disability and the number of a veteran’s dependents, and is paid monthly. The benefits are not subject to federal or state income tax.
Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis have a seven year presumptive period and ALS if diagnosed any time after active duty service can become service connected.
The VA rates service connected disabilities on a scale from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. Each increment has a financial amount associated with it and disabilities rated 30% or higher include an additional amount for each eligible dependent.
Filing a Claim
Filing a claim for service connected compensation is one of the many things that the Ashland County Veterans Service Office does. All staff is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs and must meet annual training requirements.
The first step in filing a claim is to contact the office for an appointment. The first appointment may take up to one hour. We will provide information to the veteran about what needs to be brought into the office; however, some of the usual documents needed include the following:
- original or certified copy of the DD Form 214
- marriage certificate
- birth certificates
- social security numbers for all eligible dependents
- divorce decrees
- name and address of any physicians treating for the disability
- direct deposit information (account number & routing number).
Do not let the absence of any of these documents prevent you from calling for an appointment to file the claim.
Please remember that filing the claim sooner rather than later is always the better choice; however, we still file claims for WWII veterans that are approved!
Filing for an increase for a service connected condition is a relatively easy task. The most important piece of information for a successful claim for an increase is medical evidence. The VA will need to be shown with medical evidence that the condition has actually worsened. Keep getting medical treatment for all service connected disabilities and remember that treatment for those conditions are free from the VA Health Care System.
Secondary Conditions
These are conditions that are caused by a service connected condition. For example, you are service connected for a right knee condition which causes you to overcompensate on the use of the left knee. This causes a disability of the left knee. If medical evidence supports that “more likely than not” the left knee condition was caused by the service connected right knee condition, then the left knee can be service connected also and your monthly compensation rate may increase. This is also seen very often for in country Vietnam Veterans who are service connected for Type II Diabetes, a disease that causes many other disabilities to occur.
Appeals Appeals are part of the “due process” provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. You can start an appeal up to one year after the original decision is made. Staff at the Ashland County Veterans Service Office are trained to assist and advise you during this process.